An NOAA weather radio can be an essential piece of safety equipment in any home. These radios broadcast National Weather Service statements, watches and warnings round-the-clock.
In case of severe weather conditions, coded information interrupts regular programming to notify listeners to specific locations using county codes.
Weather Forecasts
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards Network (NWR) broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and hazard information 24/7 – making it especially valuable in homes and public buildings entrusted with public safety, such as schools, hospitals, churches recreational centers office buildings theaters bus and train stations.
NWR provides local or regional summaries of current conditions and forecasts for the coming days, along with coastal hazards information like rip current warnings.
Most commercial, portable and car radios can access NOAA weather forecasts from NOAA Weather Radio Emergency Alert Tone (WAT). You’ll find these receivers in hardware stores, electronics outlets, home improvement retailers and big box retailers. Some radios feature alarm tones when an emergency alert is broadcast while other receivers may support devices to assist hearing- and visually-impaired individuals such as strobe lights, pagers or bed shakers; still others support alerting devices like NOAA Weather Radio Emergency Alert Tone (WAT). This unique tone interrupts regular programming to sound an alert tone activated all compatible receivers whose speakers / activates their speakers by activating their speakers/speakers/speakers// /activates the speaker of all compatible receivers//
Severe Weather Alerts
With NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards, you can listen to National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazards 24/7. Furthermore, this network broadcasts emergency and homeland security updates from the Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Alert System.
NOAA weather radios offer an easy-to-understand, automated voice to relay critical emergency information in times of severe weather or other emergencies – making their use invaluable in terms of saving lives and saving precious time.
If you are within an area covered by a county-specific warning or watch, your receiver will alarm with the appropriate tone – known as specific area message encoding (SAME). This helps avoid false alarms from events happening a few counties away, making SAME especially helpful during severe weather conditions.
Tornado Warnings
Outdoor warning sirens that Americans recognize as signaling imminent severe weather are not the only means of receiving crucial weather alerts; NOAA Weather Radios also have battery backup, making them even more reliable in case power goes out in cities.
During hazardous weather events, regular programming is interrupted to broadcast National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and hazard information at all hours of the day and night. When an alert is issued in your area, a 1050Hz tone is broadcast which activates specially equipped receivers.
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards not only broadcasts weather information but also emergency messages from federal, state and local officials on behalf of public safety, fire, police, civil defense, emergency management offices. Furthermore, Homeland Security alerts (such as AMBER Alerts) are made available through FCC’s Emergency Alert System.
Power Outages
The National Weather Service All Hazards Radio network broadcasts official warnings and forecasts 24/7/365. In addition to storm and flood warnings, they also include information regarding tsunamis, volcanic activity, chemical releases, AMBER child abduction alerts and earthquakes.
Radio receivers can be programmed for specific locations using Specific Area Message Encoding or SAME, so listeners only receive alerts that directly affect them without unnecessary alarms. Many models also come equipped with an additional notification device jack that enables plugging in external strobe lights or bed shakers – an especially helpful feature for those with special needs.
No matter where they reside, everyone should possess an emergency weather radio as a safety measure. Particularly during fast-moving situations where accessing up-to-the minute information could save lives quickly. Radios equipped with multiple power sources (such as solar panels or manual cranks) may prove especially helpful during potential long-term power outages.
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