Emergency Preparedness Journal

Category: Mountain House Freeze Dried Food

  • Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food as Emergency Food Insurance

    Mountain House makes freeze dried food that serves as the ideal insurance policy, whether hiking the Appalachian Trail or preparing for natural disaster. They excel at this field. Extreme Factories” takes viewers inside an Oregon factory that manufactures Mountain House meals. Our team will tour from cook to pouch. Long-Term Storage As part of any…

  • Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food: A Survival Food Review

    Mountain House freeze dried food is perfect for camping trips and emergency preppers, boasting a 30-year shelf life with easy preparation procedures. Travel Channel’s Extreme Factories gave me the opportunity to tour Oregon Freeze Dry’s plant and learn more about this internationally recognized brand. Here is what I discovered:.. It’s Delicious Mountain House freeze-dried meals…

  • Shelf Life of Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food

    After an exhausting day on the trail, you are more than ready for a warm meal. You’re taking off your boots and socks before setting up your tent, heating water for dinner and eating your feast! Freeze dried meals offer easy preparation and have one of the longest shelf lives available on the market, making…

  • Finding the Best Price for Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food

    Mountain House freeze-dried food is a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts, campers and survival experts. Their easy preparation makes these meals nutritionally sound yet lightweight; not as filling as other freeze-dried options available on the market. This company offers various kits ranging from 14 day emergency supplies to 1-year supplies at great value for money. Although…

  • Longest Shelf Life: Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food Review

    Mountain House has long been recognized as a reliable provider of freeze dried foods to the military, outdoor enthusiasts and emergency preparedness families alike. Their convenient just-add-water meals boast one of the longest shelf lives available – 30 years! OFD Foods LLC recently announced that they have increased the shelf life of Mountain House freeze…

  • Mountain House Freeze-Dried Foods: An Overview

    Freeze dried foods are perfect for camping, backpacking and emergency preparedness. Their lightweight nature and straightforward preparation makes them the ideal option to bring along when heading outdoors. Simply boil some water in order to prepare these delectable treats! dehydrated foods also boast the longest shelf life and require the least amount of water for…

  • Storing Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food Effectively

    Mountain House freeze dried food products provide essential emergency supplies with 30-year shelf lives, making them the ideal additions to any pantry. Oregon Freeze Dry sets themselves apart from competing brands by cooking their meals prior to freeze drying them, creating a product which rehydrates faster and tastes better. Temperature Controlled Storage Freeze dried food…